
The Cast of Characters:

Me (author, Researching San Diego): 


A California girl at heart, I grew up in a small town on the central coast of California, buried in books and dreaming of far-off travels and adventure, not quite appreciating the sunshine and blustery beaches on my doorstep. Moving to San Diego (the big city) for college opened my eyes to coffeehouse culture, fish tacos and a love for all things science, which became the driving force of my education and career. This momentum took me to Boston, where I spent several years pursuing my graduate degree, becoming a die-hard Red Sox fan, starting to explore my love for food and learning to drop my ‘R’s appropriately (still working on that). My loves of science, travel and food led me to take on the challenge of living in Paris – to do cutting edge research and explore the City of Light firsthand for four years – where I discovered that food, friends, photography and writing were the things that made me happy.

I have come full circle. I recently took a research position at my undergraduate institution. I moved back to San Diego, into the welcoming arms of my family and friends. Turns out, after more than a decade, the city has changed and so have I. I am looking forward to using this space to explore the sights, sounds and tastes of San Diego.

If you would like to read more about my Paris adventures, check out my previous blog, Researching Paris.

If you would like to contact me, feel free to email at: researchingsandiego(at)gmail(dot)com.


The Bat (aka, Batman, the boyfriend with endless patience, an open mind and up for most everything, especially if it involves food and/or travel). 

As an explanation of the moniker:

Blog anonymity is something I take very seriously when it comes to friends and family. I make the individual choice to share some aspects of my everyday life in this space, but it is not my place to do make that decision for anyone else – even those joining me on most of these eating adventures. Many bloggers chose standard acronyms for their significant other (DH: Dear Husband; BF: Boyfriend), I thought if he was to be a recurring character (one can hope) it would be nice to let him chose his own pseudonym. He chose Batman*. Really, who wouldn’t?

* However, typing “Batman and I decided to go to dinner…” seemed rather ridiculous. I’ve decided to shorten it to The Bat. Not that this is any less silly, but I like it more. And, in the end, it is my blog – my last word.


4 responses to “About

  1. OMG! I love that you call him The Bat! My h-band adores Batman, and (don’t judge me 🙂 our grooms cake at our wedding was even shaped like the bat symbol! So glad you commented on my blog, so I could discover your beautiful space. Looking forward to reading along. 🙂

    • No judgment here!! I actually think that is awesome (as I do when any couple bucks tradition to make their special day(s) very reflective of their individual personalities). I am so excited to follow your blog forward (and also dig around for pearls of wisdom from the past) – your space and voice are so inspiring!

  2. Came Across your blog pretty randomly , glad I did. I gave you a follow so i’ll be sure to come back to your blog.

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